Habit bean yield determined its estimation based on physiological and morphological components and climatic indices


  • José Alberto Salvador ESCALANTE-ESTRADA
  • Yolanda Isabel ESCALANTE-ESTRADA


grain number, pod number, racemes, leaf area duration, biomass


Beans (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) are part of the diet of
Mexico. Thus, studies tending to generate
knowledge about this crop are justified. The
objective of this work was to determine: a) the
relation and model between grain yield (GY) and its
morphological, physiological components in bean
Canario 107; b) the relationship and the model
between the GY, its components and the biomass as
a function of evapotranspiration, heat units and
photosynthetically active radiation. Correlation,
multiple regression and Stepwise analysis were
applied. The grain yield showed a high relation with
its morphological components, the biomass and the
leaf area duration. Also, the number of grains with
the number of pods and this with the raceme
number, the biomass and the leaf area duration. The
model that best estimated the yield in grain involved
the number of grains, grain size and the leaf area
duration or the biomass. In relation to the indexes of
the climate, the model that best explained the grain
yield and the the leaf area duration involved crop
evapotranspiration, the heat units and the
photosynthetically active radiation.



How to Cite

ESCALANTE-ESTRADA, J. A. S., RODRÍGUEZ-GONZÁLEZ, M. T. and ESCALANTE-ESTRADA, Y. I. (2023) “Habit bean yield determined its estimation based on physiological and morphological components and climatic indices”, Foro de Estudios sobre Guerrero, 6(1), pp. 62–70. Available at: https://revistafesgro.cocytieg.gob.mx/index.php/revista/article/view/541 (Accessed: 18 October 2024).



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