Factors that integrate responsible consumption in students of Business Management Engineering at the Technological Institute of Chilpancingo.


  • Paula Adriana Leyva Alarcón Instituto Tecnológico de Chilpancingo https://orcid.org/0000-0002-2456-5722
  • Estrella Pastrana Clemente Instituto Tecnológico de Chilpancingo
  • Maribel Urias Barrientos Instituto Tecnológico de Chilpancingo




Responsible Consumption , Purchasing Habits , Consumption Level , Environment


This research was carried out to identify the factors that make up responsible consumption in Business Management Engineering students at the Technological Institute of Chilpancingo, as well as to know their level of consumption. The research is mainly focused on knowing your purchasing and consumption habits in general considering the Covid-19 crisis.

Today the subject of responsible consumption is one of the most important for students, because it is the responsibility of these generations to take care of the environment and natural resources that we have and responsible consumption is one of the alternatives we have and in which we can all contribute, it is a way to create a positive impact on the environment because consumerism is one of the things that affects it the most, causing air, water and soil pollution. On the other hand, information was also obtained on the level of knowledge of the students about responsible consumption and if this is considered an important issue for them.


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How to Cite

Leyva Alarcón, P. A., Pastrana Clemente, E. and Urias Barrientos, M. (2024) “Factors that integrate responsible consumption in students of Business Management Engineering at the Technological Institute of Chilpancingo”., Foro de Estudios sobre Guerrero, 10(1), pp. 1–4. doi: 10.62384/fesgro.v10i1.909.