Rethinking citizen solidarity networks during the pandemic


  • Olivia LEYVA-MUÑOZ
  • Ana María CÁRABE-LÓPEZ
  • Mayra Adriana BRAVO-ORGANIS


confidence, solidarity, social capital, family


Associative capacity of people has aroused the
interest of various social sciences scholars,
particularly those who study social capital as a
mechanism for social cohesion that can attract
different benefits for community, such as economic,
social and even politicians.
Theoretical contributions make reference about
associative capacity of people for habits of collective
actions that generate a beneficial impact on society,
starting from small social nuclei, such as the family.
In such a way that, in pandemic times these solidarity
ties and networks are intertwined with greater
Everyone knows that pandemic acquired a global
dimension, affecting severely economies, political
contexts and, in a significant way, has had an
incalculable impact on social structures, where the
population has developed an important associative
capacity to deal with the pandemic. Therefore, this
research purpose is to rethink citizens associative
capacity during the pandemic, particularly through
solidarity networks that are gestated from family
nucleus, for this, quantitative results have derived
from a survey applied to Guerrero state population.



How to Cite

LEYVA-MUÑOZ, O., CÁRABE-LÓPEZ, A. M. and BRAVO-ORGANIS, M. A. (2023) “Rethinking citizen solidarity networks during the pandemic”, Foro de Estudios sobre Guerrero, 9(2), pp. 64–71. Available at: (Accessed: 18 October 2024).



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