Ixí, Rà'khà, Yà'o (maíz, calabaza y quelite): Trabajando la milpa de traspatio en la Montaña Alta de Guerrero.


  • María Cristina HERNÁNDEZ-BERNAL Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana.


Maize, Mè'phàà culture, backyard milpa, agricultural work


Maize represents in the culture Mè'phàà life itself,
without the precious seed there is neither there can
be subsistence possible; The tortilla, the atoles, the
tamales and the chips are an essential part of the
food of these peoples. Daily foods whose raw
material is maize and are complemented with
pumpkin, quelite and Bean. So all these species,
along with the varieties of maize, are also produced
near the domestic space, the backyard, an
essentially feminine workplace.
For the topic that concerns us, it is imperative to
take into account the considerations about the
ecosystems and their influence on the social
processes, of production and cultural reproduction.
Important part of the natural context are the climatic
conditions that have been determinant in the type of
agriculture that develops in the region of the high
mountain, an agriculture that has been defined as
subsistence and that has as main element the maize.
The mountain region has diverse niches where the
latter is cultivated on land with very marked slopes,
in wild and stony terrain and even in the backyard
of the communities.
Agricultural Work then combines a series of
techniques and knowledge that have been developed
through a long historical process where culture has
been a determining factor for its permanence.



How to Cite

HERNÁNDEZ-BERNAL, M. C. (2023) “Ixí, Rà’khà, Yà’o (maíz, calabaza y quelite): Trabajando la milpa de traspatio en la Montaña Alta de Guerrero. ”, Foro de Estudios sobre Guerrero, 6(1), pp. 227–237. Available at: https://revistafesgro.cocytieg.gob.mx/index.php/revista/article/view/619 (Accessed: 18 October 2024).



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