Bilingual Nahuatl-Spanish teaching at the Xochkoskatl elementary school in Guerrero


  • Loreto APREZA


Nahuatl-Spanish teaching, bilingual teachers, bilingual teaching, case study methodology


Given the situation of diglossia in Mexico and the
challenges involved in the development of
education with appreciation of linguistic and
cultural diversity, it is relevant to know those cases
that have generated bilingual school projects. The
present investigation aims to describe the case of the
Xochkoskatl school addressed in Tlalchichilco in
Xitopontla. The Xochkoskatl elementary school is
characterized by the strengthening of the mother
tongue of the community and the work of its
teachers in language management. To obtain the
results, a qualitative research was designed with the
methodological perspective of the case study in
which strategies of ethnography were used as:
participant observation, qualitative interview, focus
groups, supplementary techniques and triangulation.
The main findings of the study affirm that the daily
school experience, the role of the teacher and the
biliteracity are elements that strengthen the
construction of bilingual school projects, as they
resolve the tensions between speeches about
bilingual teaching.



How to Cite

APREZA, L. (2023) “Bilingual Nahuatl-Spanish teaching at the Xochkoskatl elementary school in Guerrero”, Foro de Estudios sobre Guerrero, 6(1), pp. 514–528. Available at: (Accessed: 18 October 2024).



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