Methodology for the mainstreaming of the environment axis in the study plan of Information Sciences and Technologies of the UAGro


  • Adriana MIRANDA
  • José Luis APARICIO
  • Columba RODRÍGUEZ
  • Juana BELTRÁN


Transversality, higher education, environment


This study was developed in four phases: 1) the
perception of teachers about environmental
knowledge and their level of presence in the study
plan was diagnosed through the methodology of
Aparicio (2014), obtaining as a result that the
linkage of said axis it is scarce, 2) a training
proposal was presented so that the teacher could
acquire knowledge, skills, attitudes and values, as
well as methodological procedures for the
transversal integration of environmental contents in
the structure of his UAp, 3) environmental
competence was built with Based on the document
design, evaluation and updating of undergraduate
study plans (UAGro, 2012), an instrument was
designed and applied so that the teacher will
identify the corresponding level of impregnation-
knowledge, skills, attitudes and values in his UAp
and another that gives the teacher the opportunity to
integrate, complement or suggest new topics or
contents, 4) a methodological proposal was
developed for the mainstreaming of the
environmental axis in the study plan (PE) of the
Science and Technology Information (CyTI),
feasible to be replicated in other higher level study
plans. In this document the results of phase one are



How to Cite

MIRANDA, A., APARICIO, J. . L., RODRÍGUEZ, C. and BELTRÁN, J. (2023) “Methodology for the mainstreaming of the environment axis in the study plan of Information Sciences and Technologies of the UAGro”, Foro de Estudios sobre Guerrero, 6(1), pp. 455–465. Available at: (Accessed: 18 October 2024).



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