Interactive Board of Activities for Teaching and Assessment in special education and preschool students


  • Carlos VIZCAINO
  • René CUEVAS
  • Gustavo ALONSO


Interactive Activities, Special Education, Preschool, Arduino, TIEE


The students of special and preschool education
require to promote his learning, activities with
support of interactive materials, that's why the study
presented in this writing, describes a technology-
based tool such as the microcontrollers Arduino, the
connectivity Bluetooth and the Radio Frequency
Identification RFID, complementing them with free
software, to which has called : Interactive Board of
Activities for the Education and Evaluation in
students of special and preschool education (TIEE).
This tool consists in a box with a board where
situate cards RFID, each one of them represents to
an object in particular, and when approaching it to
the receptor RFID, sends the information to a
mobile app to be compared with the data stored.
With this tool develop interactive activities like
support to the learning of the students. The project
is a first prototype that, together with specialists in
the above-mentioned school levels, will generate
suitable activities so that the student identify and
relate objects, animal, numbers, forms, sounds,
among others. This study looks for to take
advantage of all the resources that contribute the
technologies selected. Until the moment the
prototype has caused expectancy and acceptance
between students and educational.



How to Cite

VIZCAINO, C., CUEVAS, R. and ALONSO, G. (2023) “Interactive Board of Activities for Teaching and Assessment in special education and preschool students”, Foro de Estudios sobre Guerrero, 6(1), pp. 380–393. Available at: (Accessed: 18 October 2024).



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