Jamaica genotypes (Hibiscus sabdariffa L.) inoculated with biofertilizer and biological insecticide, in Iguala, Guerrero


  • Marcos PARRAL
  • Romualdo VÁSQUEZ
  • José SALGADO
  • José MANUEL
  • David Heriberto NORIEGA


Organic driving, Glomus and Metarhizium


Four jamaican genotypes were evaluated: Alma
Blanca, Rosalíz, Sudan and Tecoanapa, distributed
under a randomized complete block design with
four replicates. The seed of each treatment was
inoculated with biofertilizer (Glomus and
Azospirillum) and biological insecticide (Beauveria
bassiana® and Metarhizum anisopliae®). Plant
height, number of productive branches, number of
fruits per plant, number of capsules per plant,
number of fruits of the main branch, weight of fresh
calyx per plant, weight of dry calyx per plant, calyx
weight fresh per hectare and dry calyx weight per
hectare. An analysis of variance was performed for
the treatments and the multiple comparison of
means by Tukey's test (P ≤ 0.05). Of the four
genotypes evaluated, the Tecoanapa genotype stood
out in plant height (2 m), Rosalíz in number of
productive branches (12) and number of fruits per
plant (54), Alma Blanca in number of fruits of the
main branch (7), yield in the variables fresh weight
per plant, fresh weight per hectare, dry weight per
plant and dry weight per hectare (176.63 g), (15.597
kg), (18.34 g), (1,591.8 kg) respectively. The Sudan
genotype did not stand out in any



How to Cite

PARRAL, M., VÁSQUEZ, R., SALGADO, J., MANUEL, J. and NORIEGA, D. H. (2023) “Jamaica genotypes (Hibiscus sabdariffa L.) inoculated with biofertilizer and biological insecticide, in Iguala, Guerrero”, Foro de Estudios sobre Guerrero, 6(1), pp. 755–761. Available at: https://revistafesgro.cocytieg.gob.mx/index.php/revista/article/view/521 (Accessed: 18 October 2024).



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