Advances in the knowledge of the vascular flora of Acatepec, Guerrero.


  • Natividad HERRERA Universidad Autónoma de Guerrero
  • Elvia BARRERA Universidad Autónoma de Guerrero
  • Rosa María FONSECA Universidad Autónoma de Guerrero
  • Ignacio ARÉVALO Universidad Autónoma de Guerrero


Flora, Acatepec, Guerrero


This study presents advances in the knowledge of
the flora of Acatepec, Guerrero; a little-studied
municipality that has important diversity in both
floristic and vegetal communities. The
methodological strategy used for the selection of the
collection areas includes the involvement of the
authorities of Communal Land and the formation of
a team of local guides-collectors. During a short
period of botanical collection, a floristic inventory
was done, indicating initially some 91 families, 174
genera and 368 species. Also obtained was the
description of the main plant communities where
these species were collected. The best represented
botanic families are: Asteraceae (21 species),
Fabaceae (20), Fagaceae (14), Solanaceae (11),
Rubiaceae (9), Mimosaceae and Melastomataceae
with 8 species. The genus Quercus stands out with
its 14 species, a number greater than the counts
reported by other similar studies. These data provide
an idea of the floristic wealth that may be housed
presently in the municipality of Acatepec, Guerrero.



How to Cite

HERRERA, N., BARRERA, E., FONSECA, R. M. and ARÉVALO, I. (2023) “ Guerrero”., Foro de Estudios sobre Guerrero, 6(1), pp. 725–734. Available at: (Accessed: 18 October 2024).



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