Biozyme in the production of "Mexican petunia" Ruellia brittoniana Leonar ex Fernald in plastic cover conditions.


  • Cesario CATALÁN Universidad Autónoma de Guerrero
  • Francisco DE LOS SANTOS Universidad Autónoma de Guerrero
  • Alfonso de Jesús CORREA Universidad Autónoma de Guerrero
  • José MANUEL Universidad Autónoma de Guerrero


Biozyme, Ruellia brittoniana, Guerrero


The effect of Biozyme biostimulant on two doses
and application times was studied in Ruellia
brittoniana plants Leonar ex Fernald. The study
variables were: Plant height, Stem diameter, Leaf
length, Leaf width, Number of leaves, Coverage
diameter, Number of branches, Peduncle length,
Chalice length, Number of buttons, Number of
flowers and Flower diameter. The experimental
design was completely random, with 4 treatments
plus the control and 10 replicates. Biostimulant
doses were Biozyme 1 mL-1
every 8 and 15 days and
Biozyme 2 mL-1
every 8 and 15 days, the irrigations
at the beginning were every third day and thereafter
according to the need of the plants which was
alternated with Triple 17. In the variables: Plant
height, Leaf length, Coverage diameter and
Peduncle length, the effect of the Biozyme
biostimulant was reflected in different doses and
date of application, in the variable Diameter of
flower, the control exceeded the biostimulant This
means that Biozyme decreases the flower diameter,
in the other variables, there was no effect of the



How to Cite

CATALÁN, C., DE LOS SANTOS, F., CORREA, A. de J. and MANUEL, J. (2023) “Biozyme in the production of ‘Mexican petunia’ Ruellia brittoniana Leonar ex Fernald in plastic cover conditions”., Foro de Estudios sobre Guerrero, 6(1), pp. 642–651. Available at: (Accessed: 18 October 2024).



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