Frugivorous birds in Bursera in the Alto Balsas de Guerrero.


  • Rosalba RODRÍGUEZ Universidad Autónoma de Guerrero
  • R. Carlos ALMAZÁN Universidad Autónoma de Guerrero


frugivory, Bursera, frugivores birds


In this study, foraging was recorded by frugivores
birds in Bursera in a deciduous tropical forest in the
Alto Guerrero of Guerrero. The relative importance
value was estimated and nine monthy samples were
carried out to register the observations of foraging,
using the method of point counts of fixed radio.
With the data obtained from foraging observations
was calculated a vegetal preference index. Twentyeight species of frugivores birds were recorded in
Bursera. Myiarchus and Tyrannus genera were the
best represented. Species like Myiarchus
cinerascens interacted in most Bursera. There was
greater number of sightings of frugivores birds and
number of fruits removed during the second half of
the dry season. The Tyrannidae family showed
higher percentage of sightings. The frugivores birds
community showeda marked preference for B.
morelensis, B. longipes and B. lancifolia. By
frugivore group, pulp consumers preferred to B.
morelensis and B. grandifolia, and seed predators
to B. fagaroides and B. morelensis.



How to Cite

RODRÍGUEZ, R. and ALMAZÁN, R. C. (2023) “Frugivorous birds in Bursera in the Alto Balsas de Guerrero”., Foro de Estudios sobre Guerrero, 6(1), pp. 601–610. Available at: (Accessed: 18 October 2024).



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