Avifauna associated with a Juniperus forest in the Sierra Norte of Guerrero, Mexico


  • Edson Adrián ÁLVAREZ Universidad Autónoma de Guerrero
  • Roberto Carlos ALMAZÁN Universidad Autónoma de Guerrero


Birds, Juniperus forest, Sierra Norte


The Sierra Norte in Guerrero state is a region
little known in terms of its avifauna. Therefore,
the development of biotic inventories is of
especial importance. In this work, the bird
species present in a Juniperus forest in the
Sierra Norte in the state of Guerrero were
reported. Transects in different time periods
(July-August, December-January and AprilMay 2015) were made. The bird records were
obtained through visual and auditory methods.
A total of 86 bird species were recorded
belonging to 25 families and 10 orders, which
63 resident species, 21 migratory species, one
transitory species, and one invasive species
were recorded. A total of 10 endemic species to
Mexico and five quasi-endemic species were
registered. Two species under special protection
was recorded. Insectivorous and insectivorousfrugivorous birds were better represented along
Juniperus forest. Our results suggest the need to
develop and update biotic inventories for more
accurate data on birds’ distribution in Guerrero.



How to Cite

ÁLVAREZ, E. A. and ALMAZÁN, R. C. (2023) “Avifauna associated with a Juniperus forest in the Sierra Norte of Guerrero, Mexico”, Foro de Estudios sobre Guerrero, 6(1), pp. 593–600. Available at: https://revistafesgro.cocytieg.gob.mx/index.php/revista/article/view/495 (Accessed: 18 October 2024).



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