Impacto de Pago por Servicios Ambientales en Mujeres Indígenas de Los Bienes Comunales de Copanatoyac, Guerrero.


  • María de Jesús OLEA
  • Héctor SEGURA
  • Zaira ZAVALA


Environmental services, Women, Nahuatl


In the Communal Property of Copanatacac Guerrero
an investigation was carried out in the agrarian
nucleus belonging to the Nahuatl culture with very
high marginalization; Participating in the Payment
for Environmental Services Program (PSA). The
aim was to evaluate the impact of participation in
said program on the lives of women and their
commitment to the conservation of common natural
resources. A survey, semi-structured interviews,
focus groups and field trips were carried out. There
are differences in the economic, social and
environmental impacts of PES among women and
men in the community. The payment you receive is
very important in defining your commitment to
environmental conservation. Their degree of
awareness of the importance of guaranteeing a
sustainable future for their families is an important



How to Cite

OLEA, M. de J., SEGURA, H. and ZAVALA, Z. (2023) “ Guerrero”., Foro de Estudios sobre Guerrero, 7(1), pp. 651–656. Available at: (Accessed: 12 September 2024).



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