Diagnóstico socio-ambiental del recurso Manglar en la laguna de Nuxco, Guerrero


  • Fernando SEVERIANO-GALEANA Escuela Superior en Desarrollo Sustentable Campus Costa Grande de la Universidad Autónoma de Guerrero
  • Benjamín CASTILLO-ELÍAS Escuela Superior en Desarrollo Sustentable Campus Costa Grande de la Universidad Autónoma de Guerrero
  • José Angel VENCES-MARTÍNEZ Escuela Superior en Desarrollo Sustentable Campus Costa Grande de la Universidad Autónoma de Guerrero
  • Herlinda GERVACIO-JIMÉNEZ Escuela Superior en Desarrollo Sustentable Campus Costa Grande de la Universidad Autónoma de Guerrero
  • Humberto ÁVILA-PÉREZ Escuela Superior en Desarrollo Sustentable Campus Costa Grande de la Universidad Autónoma de Guerrero


Conservation, mangrove, Sustainable Use


Mangrove ecosystems are of great importance because
they are a source of natural wealth and ecosystem
services for populations near them, and they are also
threatened by various activities both anthropic and
natural. The objective of this study was to determine
the current situation of the mangrove resource,
identifying the negative impact caused by
anthropogenic practices; as well as its ecological
relevance in the area of study, which allows generating
areas of opportunity for conservation, rehabilitation,
and sustainable use. A survey was applied to a sample
of 158 people out of a total of 705 inhabitants. Based
on the results, the socio-environmental problems in
which they are immersed were found, as they are;
discharge of wastewater to the lagoon, the use of
mangrove species for various activities, and where the
surveyed inhabitants of the town Veinte de Noviembre
also showed interest and participation in the
conservation and preservation of the mangrove



How to Cite

SEVERIANO-GALEANA, F., CASTILLO-ELÍAS, B., VENCES-MARTÍNEZ, J. A., GERVACIO-JIMÉNEZ, H. and ÁVILA-PÉREZ, H. (2023) “Diagnóstico socio-ambiental del recurso Manglar en la laguna de Nuxco, Guerrero”, Foro de Estudios sobre Guerrero, 9(1), pp. 286–296. Available at: https://revistafesgro.cocytieg.gob.mx/index.php/revista/article/view/324 (Accessed: 16 September 2024).



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