Huerto biointensivo: una experiencia de aprendizaje en el Bachillerato General La Luz de Juárez, Tlalixtaquilla de Maldonado, Guerrero, México




The biointensive method is an alternative for the
management of soils that are losing nutrients; it also
favors the consumption of organic foods. Spreading
this form of production among students of different
academic levels, including higher education, is
important, since they can function as promoters to
achieve food security and autonomy. However, it
must be emphasized that around the world, there are
few young people who think about a future related to
rural areas and agriculture. Therefore, it is necessary
to show the existence of alternatives that can
contribute to improving the quality of life of the
inhabitants of rural communities. This work aimed to
establish an orchard in a high school in the
municipality of Tlalixtaquilla de Maldonado,
Guerrero to produce vegetables, using the
biointensive method, in order to show students the
relevance of their to produce quality food in a small
space. For this, we worked with students from the
three grades who established three cultivation beds
for the planting of short-cycle vegetables. The 85 %
of the young people who joined the project were
interested in obtaining new knowledge and putting
into practice what they had acquired in other spaces
and moments. 



How to Cite

CALDERÓN-AURELIO , T. and SILVA-APARICIO , M. (2023) “Huerto biointensivo: una experiencia de aprendizaje en el Bachillerato General La Luz de Juárez, Tlalixtaquilla de Maldonado, Guerrero, México”, Foro de Estudios sobre Guerrero, 9(1), pp. 246–252. Available at: (Accessed: 16 September 2024).



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