Balanceo de línea de verificación de cumplimiento de estándares.


  • Juan Carlos KIDO MIRANDA
  • rving Joav BARRERA ARCE Tecnológico Nacional de México/ Instituto Tecnológico De Iguala
  • Brayan MARTÍNEZ MUÑOZ Tecnológico Nacional de México/ Instituto Tecnológico De Iguala
  • Hiram ROMÁN MENDOZA Tecnológico Nacional de México/ Instituto Tecnológico De Iguala
  • Pascual Felipe PÉREZ CABRERA


Line, stándar, swing


This document shows how the line balance and
standards verification is developed within the most
important radio factory. The basic framework is the
hierarchical levels that run the company, its
achievements, certifications, the technology it has, its
comparative philosophy and the products that are
manufactured in the plant, it shows how it is
generated, documented and standardized A
verification process considering in design the
capacity of the already established line, the assembly
positions, the process carried out by each position and
the equipment that each one of the positions has, the
scope, limitations, objectives are taken into account
and the expected result.



How to Cite

KIDO MIRANDA, J. C., BARRERA ARCE , rving J., MARTÍNEZ MUÑOZ , B., ROMÁN MENDOZA , H. and PÉREZ CABRERA, P. F. (2023) “Balanceo de línea de verificación de cumplimiento de estándares”., Foro de Estudios sobre Guerrero, 9(1), pp. 46–50. Available at: (Accessed: 16 September 2024).



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