Los vendedores callejeros y el espacio público: ¿el movimiento como eslabón de la legitimidad en el panóptico?


  • Jorge Alberto SÁNCHEZ-ORTEGA


Movility, legitimity, street vendor, public space, panopticon


In the first square of Chilpancingo city, street vendors
walk and reamin in the streets to sell their goods where
the attempted control by the authorities generates a
situation of submission or escape. To carry out this
research, a qualitative methodology is used through
interviews, participant observation, GIS management
and photography. It begins with the proposal to create
a panoptic system that intervenes in the behavior of the
actors. Starting from the previous context, the variables
of mobility and social legitimacy are analyzed which
are present in the complexity of street trade, since the
society manifested as costumers, supports moral
judgments based on a perception created by the
appropriators of the public and related to his
movements in the territory, it carries out the
configuration of the imaginary urban space. It lands
with a test object to explain what was raised and show
the context that the movement, as a key element of
public order, could have to avoid the sanctions



How to Cite

SALTO-MORALES, C. and SÁNCHEZ-ORTEGA, J. A. (2023) “Los vendedores callejeros y el espacio público: ¿el movimiento como eslabón de la legitimidad en el panóptico?”, Foro de Estudios sobre Guerrero, 9(1), pp. 94–104. Available at: https://revistafesgro.cocytieg.gob.mx/index.php/revista/article/view/298 (Accessed: 18 October 2024).



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