Factores psicosociales de riesgo en el trabajo en el área de la educación


  • Gabriela RIVERO
  • KAHAN–Jaime ARROYO–Citlalli


Psychosocial factors, occupational risk, occupational stress


This research aims to analyze the psychosocial risk
factors at work present in the workers of a public
university in Acapulco, Guerrero.
It is a cross-sectional and retrospective study; The
variables studied considered qualitative ordinal, were
measured through the ISTAS 21, which assesses
psychosocial risks at work in five dimensions: 1)
psychological demands at work; 2) active work and
skill development; 3) social support in the company
and quality of leadership; 4) compensation; and 4)
double presence; in which the higher the score, the
greater the well-being.
The results allow to deepen the knowledge and the
information about the way in which the variables
studied behave both independently and related;
substantiate the importance of developing and
implementing strategies for organizational climate
and personnel development; and finally develop
preventive measures to reduce or eliminate the
variables studied



How to Cite

RIVERO, G. and ARROYO–Citlalli, K. (2023) “Factores psicosociales de riesgo en el trabajo en el área de la educación ”, Foro de Estudios sobre Guerrero, 9(1), pp. 87–93. Available at: https://revistafesgro.cocytieg.gob.mx/index.php/revista/article/view/297 (Accessed: 16 September 2024).



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